Monday, January 23, 2017

Alta Loma, California

The past 48 hours have been pretty interesting. Finished the drive into California yesterday morning. Chris and I arrived to his parents house a little after noon and started to settle in. Shockingly it seems like CA is getting a lot of rain. It prohibited us from riding outside yesterday and had to settle for taking turns riding the rollers in the garage.

Last night I called it early sleeping by 8 o'clock. I was awoken by a car alarm around midnight, soon after I heard voices being exchanged outside. I was laying in bed overhearing someone getting their car repossessed. Soon I realized this person was the guy I was drove out here with. First I was thinking oh crap my car keys are in his car and then I thought about how we are now stuck in California with no way of getting to the track the next morning. Then I made up some crazy idea that it was some sort of elaborate car jacking and my keys were never gonna be seen again and my car would also be useless. I lost several hours of sleep last night rolling back and forth with all these crazy thoughts going through my mind.

The next morning I still woke up at 6 like we had planned and was wondering how the morning would play out. We ate breakfast as if nothing had happened, he didn't know that I overheard the entire thing happen. Soon he told me the news and I don't think he was expecting me to be as calm as I was. By no means was it his fault the car was repo'd. He has always been properly ensured and has paid on time every time. The lender he is going through hadn't listed he was properly ensured or something along those lines and ended up falsely having his car towed away. We drove to the track in his parents pick up truck which we are both surprised actually got us there. He called the impound and got everything sorted away and was able to pick up his car later that day thankfully.

The track was a lot of fun today, there was a decent sized group we trained with. The LA track makes me nervous at first, the surface feels like a basketball court and the maximum banking in the corner is 45 degrees. If you don't go through the corners carrying enough speed you run the risk of sliding down the track. Anyone experienced enough will know that and is safe to do a warm up with. Unfortunately that happened today in one of the warm up groups. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt just some egos. I wasn't very happy once the two groups got put together for some of the warm up efforts. That big of a group on an unfamiliar track with such varying ability levels seemed like a recipe for disaster. Luckily the rest of the training session went on without a hitch. After that Chris and I bailed rather quickly to beat traffic and ended up going for an easy spin once we got back to Alta Loma.

The next couple days will be more of the same at the track. It will probably be a couple days before I update unless something else crazy happens. Thanks to those who reached out after the last update. I appreciate your concern but I think everything will be alright. I just really needed to get that off my chest. I feel a lot better now but I will make sure to update everything here as a public journal to stay accountable for.


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