Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Olympic Training Center COS, CO

I can't say I am completely settled in yet. More that I just have a mess of my stuff all over my dorm. In other words it's no different from being home. It would be nice to have a little bit more room to organize all my gear but I will just have to make due with what I have. Sleeping at altitude is something to get used to. My respiration rate is higher and I have a hard time staying asleep. I am sure this will subside once I become more acclimated.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, checked into the OTC, and started unpacking all my gear. I managed to get a short spin in before hand. The altitude is still noticeable, from what I have read it can take six weeks to acclimate to it. On the ride I wasn't feeling my heartbeat through my neck as much as I was on Sunday. Living here is mildly intimidating, I don't entirely know my way around and probably look more like a lost tourist than an athlete.

This morning there was a long team meeting that covered a lot of random information. The most difficult part was I had to pee about every 30 mins. I guess that is what I get when I keep downing water. The team gathered for a ride at 1400, was a very easy pace. With such a big group it was mildly hectic trying to escape town, not that we ever did, we rode over to Manitou Springs and back. Chatted with the Residency Coach Simon Bennett for a little while. Seems like a very bright guy who was very easy to talk to. I am very excited to be working with him from here on.


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